Lo Specchio

Ospedale e finanziamenti
il punto di vista della VHCC

Le buone notizie quando arrivano sono ben accette , ma vanno contestualiz-zate.
La disamina trapela dal comunicato stampa fatto circolare dalla Vaughan Health Campus of Care, che qui in basso ri-portiamo nella versione integrale ed originale, in cui si fanno delle consi-derazioni sulle buone no-tizie, riportate anche dal nostro giornale , dell’inie-zione finanziaria da parte della provincia dell’Onta-rio per la realizzazione del tanto sospirato ed atteso ospedale a Vaughan.
L’organizzazione VHCC - il lettore ricordera’ si e’ adoperata in prima linea come promotrice per avere un ospedale a Vaughan, attivandosi per lungo tem-po in raccolte fondi e pro-grammazione.

The Vaughan Health Campus of Care is relieved to hear the news that the Ministry of Health is allegedly and finally agreeing to pay for the planning and design work necessary for a new Vaughan Hospital. It has long been the position of the VHCC that the Mackenzie Health leadership failed to negotiate this requirement as part and parcel of its phase 2 submission for the Vaughan hospital and that the province was treating Vaughan taxpayers differently than those in other communities planning hospital services. It took the threat of a lawsuit by the VHCC against the Region of York and a ratepayer revolt to embarrass the minority Liberal government into paying for what has always historically been a provincial responsibility. The VHCC is very proud to have accomplished this funding announcement that should have been done long ago.
“Our lawyers wrote to the Region of York Council and advised them that if they used monies set aside for bricks and mortar construction to finance planning and design for the Vaughan Hospital, that they would be in contravention of their funding agreement with the VHCC” said Michael DeGasperis, Chair of the VHCC. “Unfortunately our plea fell on deaf ears as the Region went ahead and approved the bailout for the province. Our advocacy efforts however have had the desired effect and the province has now committed to what it should have done 2 years ago, the Region must now retract the funding approval that they just adversely approved” added Mr. DeGasperis.
It is gratifying to the Vaughan Health Campus of Care Board of Directors that the VHCC has been vindicated in its efforts to make the province of Ontario pay for health services rather than trying to download that responsibility onto lower levels of government and individual taxpayers.
“The lesson we have learned from this experience is that the VHCC must re-double its efforts and its vigilance by keeping all levels of government and the Mackenzie Health bureaucracy transparent and accountable” said Quinto Annibale, Secretary of the Vaughan Health Campus of Care.
The VHCC now expects York Region to reverse its decision and to put the money intended for actual hospital construction back into the Region’s trust and to keep it there for that purpose until the hospital is built.
The VHCC has a mandate to ensure that a Vaughan Hospital is brought to fruition as quickly as possible, to challenge the province to actually allocate money for the construction of a Vaughan hospital in the spring budget and to put a shovel in the ground immediately, not in 2017.
“In 2007, then Minister of Health George Smitherman announced that the Vaughan Hospital would be under construction by 2011. That obviously didn’t happen. The residents of Vaughan are extremely discouraged by listening to all of the false announcements and broken promises of the Liberal Government. It’s time that we finally get our badly needed Vaughan Hospital built – and put an end to the political staging and misleading information that they have been feeding us to date”, said DeGasperis.

26 aprile 2013